The artist created a wide walking area with historical statues above the arcades and castle-walls. The pairs of statues were made of quartz concrete just like the walls of the castle. The real beauty of this so typical material oneness can be experienced in its entirety here.
Inscriptions on the postaments give us information in the gallery of historical characters. Starting from the Pointed Tower on the left we find the kings of the Árpád dynasty from Chief Álmos to Endre III. In the middle area the story chronicler Anonymous and the Anjou kings look at us. On the other side we find kings of other dynasties e.g. Mátyás, Lajos II., Ferdinand, János Zapolya and other historical and literary heroes like Zrínyi, the two Pages of Szondi, Sebestyén Tinódi Lantos, György Fráter and Queen Izabella.